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Our outcome for mapping the cold/hot weather concreting periods was introduced. 寒中・暑中コンクリート工事期間を示すマップが紹介されました



高杉文也, 西脇智哉, 谷口円, 深瀬孝之, 濱幸雄, 伊藤是清, 小山智幸: メッシュ平年値2020を用いたコンクリート工事における寒中期間・暑中期間を詳細に示すメッシュマップの作成, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 89(824), 1082-1091, 2024. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.89.1082


In Japan, where the climate varies significantly by season, special treatment is necessary for concreting during cold and hot weather periods. The Architectural Institute of Japan defines these periods based on meteorological conditions. However, obtaining precise weather data specific to construction sites can be challenging.

Our laboratory has developed a detailed map that allows users to determine the cold and hot weather periods requiring special treatment by simply clicking on a target location in Google Earth. This map is based on detailed meteorological data provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency and covers Japan with a fine resolution of 1 km mesh.

An article introducing this research outcome has been published:

The original research paper that served as the basis for this achievement can be found here:

Citation: Fumiya Takasugi, Tomoya Nishiwaki, Madoka Taniguchi, Takayuki Fukase, Yukio Hama, Korekiyo Ito, Tomoyuki Koyama: "DETAILED GRID MAPPING FOR THE COLD AND HOT WEATHER CONCRETING PERIODS BASED ON THE MESH CLIMATOLOGICAL NORMALS 2020," Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 89(824), 1082-1091, 2024. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.89.1082

*Both the website and the paper are only available in Japanese.


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Department of Architecture and Building Science,

Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

6-6-11-1209 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai,

980-8579 Japan

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