Miyata won the Encouragement Award at the JCI Tohoku Chapter 2021! 2021年 日本コンクリート工学会東北支部 奨励賞 受賞
Miyata won the Encouragement Award at the JCI Tohoku Chapter 2021 for "Investigation of blending and evaluation index of fiber reinforced...
Graduation Ceremony 2021年度卒業式
On 25th March, the graduation ceremony was held. Three Master course students and three bachelor students had graduted....
Asakawa won the JBMA Outstanding Student Award 2022! 2022年 一般社団法人日本建築材料協会 優秀学生賞 受賞
Asakawa won the JBMA Outstanding Student Award 2022 for "Fundamental research on development of interlayer reinforcement system...
Miyata won the JBMA Outstanding Student Award 2022! 2022年 一般社団法人日本建築材料協会 優秀学生賞 受賞
Miyata(M2) won the JBMA Outstanding Student Award 2022 for "Development of FRCC material design and evaluation method applicable to...
Hara won the Award for Young Excellent Presenters at AIJ Conference 2021!
Hara(M1) won the Award for Young Excellent Presenters(Material Construction Department) at AIJ Conference 2021 for "Evaluation of...
Miyata won the Annual Paper Encouragement Award at the JCI Conference 2021!
Miyata won the Annual Paper Encouragement Award at the JCI Conference 2021 for "Investigation of blending and evaluation index of...